Goals – Objectives – Deliverables

Goals – Objectives – Deliverables


Goal #1:

Provide a professional development workshop to teach geospatial thinking across the curriculum to high school teachers

Objectives: The high school teachers will do the following:

1.1 Expand their knowledge of geospatial technology and career opportunities for students in

fields that use these technologies (e.g., resource management, business, local government,

law enforcement, facilities management).

1.2 Expand their knowledge of the importance of geospatial thinking and the appropriate

pedagogies for teaching with technology.

1.3 Develop the ability to design and implement Web-based GIS lessons for high school students

across the curriculum.


Goal #2:

Introduce geospatial thinking, geospatial technology, and career awareness to high school  students from non-STEM disciplines, underrepresented groups*, and STEM disciplines

(*In Lane County, Oregon rural school districts, which are a recruitment focus, report nearly 45 percent of students have family incomes low enough to receive free and reduced lunch.)

Objectives: The high school students will do the following:

2.1 Improve their geospatial thinking ability.

2.2 Gain knowledge of local and national technical career offerings that employ geospatial



Goal #3:

Disseminate a model for community college professional development delivery and student outreach

Objectives: Participating community colleges will do the following:

3.1 Offer training to high school teachers in geospatial technology.

3.2 Offer campus visits and outreach experiences for high school students.

3.3 Be able to replicate the Web-based GIS services used in the Geo-STAC project.


Deliverable for Goal #1:

Provide a professional development workshop to teach geospatial thinking across the curriculum to high school teachers

1. Teacher assessment materials (Pre and Post)

2. Lessons and materials to introduce teachers to geospatial thinking, GIT, and geospatial


3. Lessons and materials to instruct teachers in the use of Web-based GIS

4. Lessons and materials for developing a Web-based module

5. Lessons and materials for evaluating Web-based lessons

6. Lessons and materials to instruct students in the use of Web-based GIS

7. At least 20 evaluated and standards-based lessons using Web-based GIS for a variety of


Deliverable for Goal #2:

Introduce geospatial thinking, geospatial technology, and career awareness to high school students from non-STEM disciplines, underrepresented groups*, and STEM disciplines.

1. Student assessment materials (pre and post)

2. Lessons and materials to introduce students to geospatial thinking, technology, and careers

3. A guide to campus outreach and mini-lecture format for cooperating cross-disciplinary


4. A 60 to 90 minute desktop GIS enrichment lesson for high school exploration


Deliverable for Goal #3:

Disseminate a model for community college professional development delivery and student outreach

1. A guide for teacher and student recruitment strategies

2. A professional development implementation document for community college connections to

high schools

3. A manual for developing and maintaining a Web-based GIS server